Best Romantic Movies

Scarlet Innocence (2014)

111 Minutes2 Oct, 2014
Yim Pil-sung

Seo Jong-hae


Romance, Thriller,



"Scarlet Innocence Movie" Story

University Professor Hak-Kyu moved to a small town because of scandal 8 years ago.  At culture center he worked as a literature instructor.  A young woman, Deok-Yi who worked at an old amusement park Hak-Kyu fell in love with her. He left Deok-Yi when he was reinstated at the university. 8 years later Hak-Kyu is losing his eyesight and barely able to see also he is no longer on friendly terms with his daughter Chungee. At this time , Se-Jung moves in next door and nobody realizes that she is actually Deok-Yi, and she is on a quest to destroy them.

"Scarlet Innocence Movie" Trailer & Video

Movie Details

South Korea



Lee Sung-jae

Deokee a small town girl is left by university professor Hak-kyu after a strong relationship and approaches 8 years later when he starts suffering from blindness.

Awards & Nominations Won by "Scarlet Innocence Movie"

Baek Sang Art Awards 2015

Baek Sang Film
Best New Actress

Blue Dragon Awards 2014

Blue Dragon Award
Best New Actress

Grand Bell Awards, South Korea 2014

Grand Bell Award
Best New Actress

Box Office Earning of "Scarlet Innocence"

Budget : Will be updated soon.
Opening Weekend : Will be updated soon.

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