Plot - Based on a manga of the same name by Kotomi Aoki, the story spins around Takuma Kakinouchi, a kid who is told he will die before he is 20, and Mayu Taneda, a young lady who is in love with him.
Boku no hatsukoi wo kimi ni sasagu (I Give My First Love to You ) is a romantic and heart breaking Japanese Romantic film. As a youngster Takuma is diagnosed with a heart disease and will not live more than 20 years. Meanwhile he become friend with his doctors daughter of same age. One day Mayu catches her dad saying that Takumas condition is serious enough that he in all probability wont live past the age of 20. Takuma doesn’t know about this himself, be that as it may, so at 8-years of age he makes a guarantee to wed Mayu when they turn 20. Further down the road, Takuma becomes aware that he wont be able to keep this promise and he starts distancing himself from Mayu with expectations of protecting her.
Won Newcomer of the Year |
Masaki Okada For Honokaa bôi and Jûryoku piero |
Won Blue Ribbon Award |
Best New Talent Masaki Okada For Honokaa bôi , Harufuwei and Jûryoku piero |
Won Nikkan Sports Film Award |
Best New Talent Masaki Okada For Honokaa bôi and Jûryoku piero |
Won Festival Prize |
Best New Talent Masaki Okada For Honokaa bôi , Jûryoku piero and Harufuwei |
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