Best Romantic Movies

Accidental Love (2015)

PG-13100 Minutes10 Feb, 2015

Plot - A small-town waitress is shot in the head with a nail gun which results in unpredictable behavior. Her quest to find support for her cause led her to Washington DC where he meets a young senator and love unfurls.

David O. Russell

Kia Jam, Judd Payne, Matthew Rhodes


Romance, Comedy,


Rotten Tomatoes6%

"Accidental Love Movie" Story

Alice is a small-time waitress who accidently get as a nail lodged in her head by a nail gun and sufferers from unpredictable behavior and mood swings as a result. She couldn’t get the nail removed due to her lack of health insurance and decides to go to Washington DC to support cause for bizarre injuries. Her cause is taken up by young senator Howard Birdwell who eventually falls for her.

"Accidental Love Movie" Trailer & Video

Movie Details



John Swihart

K. JAM Media, Persistent Entertainment, Vocal Yokels

Max Malkin


Box Office Earning of "Accidental Love"

Budget : $26,000,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend : Will be updated soon.

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