Plot - An ex-Parisian hipster passionate about Gustave Flaubert moves to a small town in Normandy, sees his favorite author’s masterpiece unfold right in front his eyes when two British couple moves next door.
Having lived all his life in Paris, Martin moves to a small village in Normandy as a baker. His deep appreciation for Gustave Flaubert and his work, especially 1856 masterpiece Madame Bovary, echoes right in front of his eyes, when a British couple Gemma and Charles Bovary moves next door. Martin befriends the young couple and observes the striking similarity between Gemma and her namesake in the novel.
Nominated World Soundtrack Award |
Film Composer of the Year Bruno Coulais For Song of the Sea , 3 coeurs , Mune, le gardien de la lune , Journal d'une femme de chambre and Masaan |
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