Best Romantic Movies

The Rewrite (2014)

107 Minutes8 Oct, 2014

Plot - The Rewrite is a life changing story of an unsuccessful screenwriter.

Marc Lawrence

Liz Glotzer, Martin Shafer

, ,

Romance, Comedy,


Rotten Tomatoes64%

"The Rewrite Movie" Story

Keith Michaelsis a screenwriter and in 1998 he won Academy Award for Best Screenplay. Since then he has divorced and after few unsuccessful films camnnot sell another screenplay. And then he begins teaching, which he hates most. The college assignment is far away from his comfort and possible take him to a new life.

"The Rewrite Movie" Trailer & Video

Movie Details



Clyde Lawrence

Castle Rock Entertainment

Jonathan Brown


Box Office Earning of "The Rewrite"

Budget : Will be updated soon.
Opening Weekend : Will be updated soon.

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